Category: Articles on Media

Cover Story : Totalitas di dunia Anti-Aging Medicine

Masa-masa sulit selama menjalankan perkuliahan hingga merintis karir pernah dijalani oleh Dr. Widya Murni, MARS, Dipl of HIS. Namun ia tidak pernah putus asa. Membesarkan kedua anaknya Nadira Aryanti dan Puspacendani Shalimar, menjalani perkulihan dan PTT, mengikuti tes masuk PPDS Kulit di FKUI tahun 1999, menjalankan kuliah S-2 Program Studi Manajemen Rumah Sakit di FKM UI, belajar ilmu AAM oleh Dr. Edwin Djuanda, SpKK, dan mendirikan klinik AAM menjadi milestone seoran Dr. Widya Murni, MARS, Dipl of HIS. Semua tidak direncanakan. Tetapi ketika ada jalan, wanita cantik berdarah Gorontalo-Sunda-Jawa-Minahasa ini tidak setengah-setengah. Ia pun memutuskan untuk fokus dan serius menekuni dunia AAM

Aesthetic+ Magazine

Hal 50
Dalam majalah Aesthetic+ edisi 17, Februari 2014 disampaikan bahwa TESTOSTERONE adalah hormon yang sangat penting dala kehidupan utama seorang pria. Kadar optimal testosteron akan memberikan kualitas hidup yang lebih baik dan menurunkan mortalitas.

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Baiknya seorang laki-laki di atas usia 30 tahun mengetahui, apakah kadar testosteron yang dimiliki berada dalam tingkat optimal (cukup), kurang atau berlebih. Pemeriksaan yang lebih akurat bisa memakai pemeriksaan laboratorium Free Testosterone

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Selain free testosterone, sebaiknya searing laki-laki juga mengetahui kadar estradiol (estrogen) dan DHT, untuk melihat apakah gangguan keseimbangan hormon yang dimilikinya memiliki resiko terhadap penyakit yang membahayakan kesehatannya

JAAC Peduli

Hari Selasa, 21 Januari 2014, JAAC bersama dengan Center de Beaute memberikan bantuan kepada saudara-saudara yang masih terperangkap banjir cukup dalam di Kelurahan Petogogan, Kebayoran Baru. Bantuan yang diberikan adalah berupa air mineral, susu cair siap minum, nasi bungkus, roti, dan beberapa keperluan sanitasi. Pendisribusian bantuan ini dikoordinasikan dengan Posko setempat yang akan langsung membagikan kepada warga yang hingga saat ini masih terendam banjir sekitar 50 – 75cm. Kiranya bantuan yang diberikan bermanfaat untuk mereka yang membutuhkan


Early of July 2008, I was invited by Tourism Malaysia to visit KL and its surrounding. I met a Dubai Journalism from SYAHRAZAD Magazine. Faten Mousa, her name was very interested about ANTI AGING MAGAZINE, and she made an interview with me in detail and put this article one day before Eid Mubarak 1429 H

What is anti-aging medicine? Anti-aging medicine is an applied science used to slow down the cellular aging process and to harness the activity of the organs, balancing the chronological age with the biological age. Anti Aging Medicine is the healthy from inside out. You will be more beauty outside if you are healthier. Nothing will be seen as a beauty face if our cellular is not at the most healthy level. Its objective is to help people enjoy a longer life, but overall, a healthier one

Anti Aging Program result can be seen in about 3 months but you will sense it immediately because you will feel better, you will recuperate your ideal weight, have more energy, reach the end of the day less tired, headaches and general aches will be decreased, your sexual activity will improve, you will notice a notable improvement in your skin, etc.
In General, the benefits are the following:

Benefits at a cellular level:
* Improves the factors than produce aging
* Slows down cellular damage
* Increases the cellular and revitalization repairs
* Balances the neuron-immune-endocrine axel
* Improves the skin elasticity , as well as speeding up the healing process

Benefits at a physical level:
* Improves the physical capacity (increases the tone and muscle mass, increases bone density, decreases fat percentage, optimizes the state of well being)
* Recuperation of the optimum weight desired
* Increases immunity (better resistance to colds, the flu and all types of infections)
* Improves sexual activity in both sexes

Benefits at a mental level:
* Increases intellectual capacity (memory, capacity to concentrate, mental agility and reflexes)
* Sensation of well being
* Better stress management
* Better quality of sleep
* Illnesses prevention
* Decreases the risk for cardiovascular disease
* Decreases cancer risks

There are two ages: Chronological and biological. And both are important. The chronological age is the age in years, the one on our driver’s license. It is an administrative criterion of great importance and marks transcendental doings in our life, therefore it has more of a social and legal worth than a biological one. The biological age makes reference to the physical state and body deterioration.
Anti-aging medicine looks for the balance and harmony between both ages. With age, we lose hormone levels, amino acids, vitamins, etc. In synthesis, if the levels of these substances are maintained, we will adjust the biological age to the chronological one. We will have better health, and this means a better quality of life, and we will reduce considerably the necessity of assistance dependency in the last stretch of our lives.
Therefore, anti-aging treatments are intended to slow down the process of oxidation which begins to deteriorate the body making it lose vitality. This is why the anti-aging medical treatments should be performed well before the effects of aging have appeared, with the final purpose of prolonging the signs of aging as long as we can


No. 27 TAHUN XVIII 10-16 Mei 2012. Berlomba-lomba Tampil Perkasa. TESTOSTERON : Terapi Anti Aging untuk kamu pria

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